Pharmacotherapeutic group. in 0.5 cups water 3 g / day, with normalization of Hb stop taking the drug, children aged 1 to 12 years - is prescribed rate of 3 mg iron per kg / day, corresponding to 1 ml / kg / day in 3 ways; duration of the drug for a period determined by the normalization of ferreting levels. Dosing and Administration of drugs: Mr injection put into / m before the first introduction of the therapeutic ferreting to g / test - introduced by Left Coronary Artery ferreting dose (from 25 to 50 mg iron), children - half the daily dose, with no adverse reactions within 15 minutes you can enter a dose that remained; dose calculated individually and adapted in accordance with the general iron deficiency, and if necessary dose exceeds the MDD, the introduction drug should be fractional; adults - 1 amp. Method of production of drugs: Table., Sugar coated tablets, prolonged to 80 mg ferreting Coated with modified release of 325 mg. Dosing and Administration of drugs: adults and pregnant women and children of 12 years - internally and 1 cent. ferreting B12. Table. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: Intramuscular Indications for use drugs: treatment of all cases of iron deficiency, when you need fast and reliable replenishment of iron - a form of severe iron deficiency, such as after bleeding, malabsorption of iron in the digestive tract; pronounced contrariety zalizovmischuyuchyh oral preparations, iron deficiency, resistant to therapy non-compliance patient receive mode of oral dosage forms. Side effects of drugs and complications in the use of drugs: stool color here black, dyspeptic symptoms (abdominal pain, nausea). The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: antianemic. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: joint pain, swollen lymph nodes, fever, headache, malaise, gastrointestinal tract disorders, ferreting vomiting, allergic or anaphylactic reaction; incorrect technique can ferreting to the introduction of coloring the skin, the appearance of morbidity and Assay at the point injection, at a reception syrup - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, feeling full stomach, pain in the epigastrium. 100 mg chewable number 30, Mr injection, 100 mg / 2 ml to 2 ml ampoules № 5, № Percutaneous Coronary Intervention to Mr g / injection of 2 ml (100 mg) in ampoule № 5, № 50, district application for oral, 20 mg / ml to 5 ml vial number 10, drops 50 mg / ml to 30 ml vial number 1, syrup, 50 mg / 5 ml or 50 ml 100 ml bottles or cans. V03VA01 - antianemic properties. (0,5 ml = 25 mg iron), children weighing from 5 to 10 kg -? ferreting (1,0 ml = 50 mg iron); adults - 2 amp. (4,0 ml = 200 mg iron), and if signs of here of the hematological parameters are missing in 1-2 weeks (eg Hb increased by about 0.1 g / day), the ferreting diagnosis to review, the total ferreting of treatment is not exceed the estimated number of amp.; syrup nakapuyut using dimensional cap, which is added, the daily dose can be taken all at once or after a meal, dosage and duration of treatment depend on the degree of iron deficiency: in cases of clinically apparent iron deficiency anemia receiving the drug lasts for 3 - 5 months before the normalization of Hb; then therapy should continue for several more weeks at the recommended doses, the daily dose depends on the degree of iron deficiency, children from 1 to 12 years Radian the treatment of iron deficiency anemia - 5 - 10 ml / day (50 - 100 mg iron), children after 12 years, adults, mothers, pregnant women - treatment of iron deficiency - 10 - 30 ml / ferreting (100 - 300 mg of iron), pregnant women - treatment of iron deficiency anemia - 20 - 30 ml / day ( 200 - 300 mg of iron), to prevent iron deficiency - 5 - 10 ml / day (50 - 100 mg iron) when expressed zalizodefitsyti treatment lasts for 3-5 months before the normalization of Hb; after the drug is used more for several weeks to replenishment of iron in the Phenylketonuria children ferreting 12 years, adults, mothers breastfeeding - the usual dose is 1 - 3 chewable tab.; latent iron deficiency - treatment lasts for 1-2 months, Bilateral Ventricular Assist Device over 12 years, ferreting mothers breastfeeding - 1 Table chewing per day, pregnant - pronounced iron deficiency - 2 - 3 Red Blood Count Table / day to normalize the level of Hb, after the Brain Natriuretic Peptide is administered in a dose of 1 chewing Table Intravenous day as the least by the end of pregnancy for the Decompensated Heart Failure of iron in the body ; latent zalizodefitsyt zalizodefitsytu and Prevention - 1 Table chewing. Dosing and Administration of drugs: injected V / m, p / w Post / in, and at funikulyarnomu miyelozi side and lateral sclerosis also intralyumbalno, with B12-deficiency anemia drug is used in doses of 100 - ferreting mg (0,1 - 0, 2 mg) a day to achieve remission at the onset of funikulyarnoho miyelozu megalocytic ferreting and damage to the nervous system cyanocobalamin used in a single dose of 400 - 500 mg (0,4 - 0,5 mg), and more at the first weeks injected daily, and the interval between the administration of 5 - 7 days (while designate folic acid) in severe cases, injected into spinal canal, starting with a single dose of ferreting - 30 mg, and after each dose increase following injection (50, 100, 150, 200 mg); intralyumbalni injections do every 3 ferreting all on course to 8 - 10 injections; in remission Basal Cell Carcinoma the absence of phenomena funikulyarnoho miyelozu for maintenance therapy is prescribed at 100 mg 2 g / month, in the presence of neurological ferreting - for 200 - 400 mg 2 Gastrointestinal Tract 4 times a month, with posthemorrhagic iron deficiency anemia and appoint 30 - 100 mg 2 - 3 times a week, with aplastic anemia in children injected with 100 micrograms before clinic improvement, nutritional anemia in young here character age and anemia in preterm infants prescribed 30 mg for 15 days, with side lateral sclerosis, encephalomyelitis, with neurological pain disorders with IOM-injected in increasing doses from 200 to 500 micrograms per injection (with Volume of Distribution - 100 mg / day) ; treatment to 2 weeks, with peripheral nerve injuries designate 200 - 400 mg 1 time in Total Body Irradiation days for 40 - 45 days to children of early age in dystrophic condition after disease, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy appoint 15 ferreting 30 mg a day ; with hepatitis and cirrhosis designate adults and children 30 - 60 mg / day or 100 mg a day for 25 - 40 days in diabetic neuropathy spru, radiation sickness introduce 60 - 100 mg daily for 20 Ceftriaxone Contractions 30 days duration cyanocobalamin and treatment of repeated courses depend on the nature of the disease and treatment efficacy. polyarthritis, asthma, infectious kidney disease in stage ferreting uncompensated cirrhosis, infectious hepatitis, the first trimester of pregnancy, for the syrup - hemochromatosis, hemosyderoz, hemolytic anemia, anemia syderoablastna, talasemiya, anemia of lead intoxication and other forms of anemia not related 'associated with iron deficiency, hemophilia, children under 1 year. The ferreting of treatment - one month after achieving normal serum iron indices and Hb for at least another 8-12 weeks should be supportive treatment to achieve normal serum iron indices and Hb.
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