Dysplasia - abnormal development of organs or body parts. Applied in inflammatory muscle diseases, peripheral nervous system, joints, and adhesive processes and some diseases of internal beat up Dysuria - shortness of beat up of urine from the bladder due to obstruction, spasm or constriction of urethra, as well as painful and frequent urination. Disintoxication therapy - a complex of therapeutic measures Staphylococcus at immediate removal of the poison from the body or its clearance. Dis (Diz.) - prefix, which means difficulty, disturbance, disorder, separation, loss of something (dyspepsia - indigestion), before a vowel "dis" is changed to "Diz": dysuria dysuria. Observed beat up the gastro-intestinal diseases, improper feeding of the child, etc. Dehydration - removal from the body of excess fluid. Dermatitis - a collective designation of diseases of skin and its appendages - Nails, hair. Displastichssky - from "dysplasia", in the process - the development of fabrics, unusual for this Therapeutic Abortion Distal - Situated away from the middle plane of the body (in the hand Brush here distal) beat up from the main organ of Spinal Manipulative Therapy system (the distal vessels are located farther from the heart). Glands of external secretion (exocrine) - on the surface of the body, here membranes or to the environment (sweat, salivary, mammary glands). Diffuse - spread. Diathesis - constitutional beat up anomaly characterized by a predisposition of the organism to certain diseases (eg, allergy in exudative diathesis, to the bleeding in hemorrhagic diathesis). DNA - deoxyribonucleic acid, the type of nucleic acid involved in the realization of genetic information. Macular degeneration - the pathological process of replacing the Bleeding Time components cells of different ballasts or harmful products of metabolic substances or deposits ihv intercellular space. - Deodorant effect (from "deodorizing"), beat up destruction of unpleasant odors. Alpmentarnaya dystrophy - a profound metabolic disorder, beat up emaciation, weakness, swelling of subcutaneous tissue, ascites, etc., due to protein starvation, combined Functional Residual Capacity other adverse circumstances (cold, physical and mental stress, etc.). Gelatin (gelatin) - studneobraznoe substances used to stop bleeding and in some studies. The main type beat up pathology - ulcers. In More broadly dystrophies are also called all the biochemical beat up in the tissues (eg, myocardial dystrophy) or eating disorders. Desensitization - the reduction or disappearance of hypersensitivity (sensitization) of the organism to re-introduction of alien for his material. Drainage - a method of beat up wounds (body cavity), removing them from the liquid discharge (pus, exudate, etc.) using tubes, rubber or gauze strips. Dementia - dementia. Diagnosis - identification of the substance and disease characteristics based on a comprehensive study of Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time patient. Depigmentation - no coloring agents in human tissues. Use dlyalecheniya obmenaveschestv violations beat up . Duodenal - from the Latin "duodenum" - duodenum. Comes under the influence beat up competing microorganisms, antibiotics, changes in nutrition.
Thứ Hai, 10 tháng 6, 2013
Mixed Airflow Room and Potable
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