If you act quickly and perform all necessary steps, there is considerable likelihood that knocked out a tooth be saved. Cool the gum so that the child did not windward like you pull out a tooth advises Stuart Fountain, doctor of dentistry, a dentist in Greensboro, North Carolina, and associate Not Done of diseases of the inner mouth and gums in dental school, Chapel Hill University of North Carolina. Or put the tooth in his mouth. Handle with care. The safest place for a temporary Storage knocked a tooth - this is the place where it has been forced, that is in its previous slot. Most important thing is that he was in the best environment for him, in his natural home. You do not have to hand milk? If the only liquid available at your disposal, you are mouth, put the tooth back, between the teeth and cheek, says Stuart Fountain, Dr dentistry, dentist in Greensboro, North Carolina and associate professor of diseases of the inner mouth and gums in dental school, Chapel Hill University of North Carolina. I have not heard about any dentist windward refused to help in such emergency cases, he adds. You must quickly get to the dentist doctor to put the tooth in place. Hold the ice cube to the gum near a tooth for a shaky windward or four minutes, he advises. After the tooth was in place, let here child gently bite gauze pad or several paper towel to keep it in place, and try to come to the dentist as soon Fever possible. Once you have windward this precious tooth, hold it by the crown, not the root. After that, the chances are beginning to decrease, but do not lose hope, even if you need an hour or longer to find a tooth knocked out - there is still a chance it successful implantation. If the tooth can fix it in place no later than thirty minutes after he was knocked out, the chances of success equal to eighty-ninety percent, "he says. Usually suffer the most upper teeth in front of the mouth. Once you have found a tooth, head to the nearest dentist.
Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 6, 2013
Scale-up and Product Contact Surface
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